Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hair loss - goats ears

Goat mange can be caused by a skin mite similar to the ones described in a previous post. The hair loss tends to be on the ears first and can also cause hair loss around the eyes and nose. It is mostly on the head. Can be identified using the methods for skin scraping described below or taking your animal to the vet for a skin scraping or exam. The mite will cause itching and some inflammation and the animal will probably scratch a lot. The same goes for ear mites. Here is an excerpt I found in the Merck vet manual on demodectic mange in goats "Demodectic Mange: This has been reported in sheep ( Demodex ovis ) and goats ( D caprae ), in which it causes lesions similar to those in cattle. In goats, nonpruritic papules and nodules develop, especially over the face, neck, shoulders, and sides. The nodules contain a thick, waxy, grayish material that can be easily expressed; mites can be found in this exudate. The disease can become chronic. Localized lesions in goats can be incised, expressed, and infused with Lugol’s iodine or rotenone in alcohol (1:3). For generalized cases in goats, treatments include ronnel in propylene glycol (180 mL of 33% ronnel in 1 L of propylene glycol) applied to one-third of the body daily until cured, and rotenone in alcohol (1:3) applied to one-fourth of the body daily. Trichlorfon (2%) has been reported to be effective for demodicosis in sheep."

Some info on mites and bacterial skin infection in goats and treatment

More information on Mites Page 30

Also found more information here: Page 211

Also goats can be infected with Psoroptes Cuniculi which is the ear mite of rabbits. This can affect goats ears and can spread. You can diagnose these with a microscope in accordance to the methods described in a previous post or may be able to see these within the external ear canal using a magnifying glass. There is no evidence which supports cross-contamination of these in goats. In other words, you can have one affected but not all.

Link to treatment recommended for ear mites in goats. You can also pick this up at some feed stores.

A less likely possibility is lice. Several species of lice infest goats and separate species may occur on different species of goats. Two species of blood-sucking lice are found on goats; the goat-sucking louse and the African goat louse. These species are similar in appearance and are bluish-gray.

There are three species of chewing or biting lice parasites on goats. Bovicola crassipes (Rudow), a large yellow louse, and the Angora goat biting louse are normally found on Angora goats. The goat biting louse, Bovicola caprae (Guret) is commonly found on meat goats.

The presence of lice on goats is accompanied by scratching and rubbing. The effect depends on the number of lice present. Blood-feeding lice cause the most severe symptoms. Excessive feeding causes scabby, bleeding areas that may lead to bacterial infection.

There are also Vitamin deficiencies that can result in hair loss.

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